Rich Friend Poor Friend

Can relationships work across socio-economic levels? My kids and I have been exploring the socio-economic dynamics as pertains to relationships, regardless of their nature. So we thought to do a podcast about it but our podcast platform is under reconstruction and so here we are.

Everywhere I look, there’s always one more thing I cannot afford, and it’s not yacht-level stuff even!

My Gratitude Journal
Ad: Here’s the podcast I co-host with my kids weekly. Hop on wherever you find your podcasts, for a little pick-me-up if you’re a mom like me with kids like mine!

Before we get into it, please head onto Phenomenal Life with Vicky Meg Podcast on Anchor (or wherever you find your podcasts), to listen to the recent [as well as] old episodes. We’d deeply appreciate it if you downloaded, reviewed, rated and shared the podcast links as far and wide as possible. This helps us grow and make a living from doing what we love – loving people back to life.

Let’s get into it . . .

As regular folk, I don’t think anyone wonders, “Hey, will it work for me to be friends with someone who has less money than I do?” Rather, I think we struggle more with the difficulties presented by relating with people who are much more financially well-off than we are.

Also, I don’t think we stay up at night wondering if a romantic relationship will work because the other person makes much more than we do; it’s instinctively in reference to friends and family relationships. Right? I mean, it’s not as if we could wish away the fact that the best of us have trouble feeling less-than or resentful toward the disparity between us and our wealthier relations. Now, can we?

Ad: Want a taste of gourmet comfort? Look no further than Vicky’s Cravings. We’ll make you channel your inner Gordon Ramsay in your kitchen. Your family will thank you for it.😘

My experiential credentials

I couldn’t even afford regular nuts, other than peanuts!

My Gratitude Journal
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The Most Powerful Questions to Ask a Loved One This Valentine’s

I’m a hearts, roses, chocolate and sunrise/sunset kind of girl. But I talk way too much too, so as you can imagine, I cherish deep conversations. My love language? Easy: talk deep to me while I hold my flowers, eat my chocolate and gaze at the sunset or sunrise and give me peace and pray with me. Simple.

I kid. I think I’m much more complex that I let on, but I believe the below questions can help you and I foster deeper connections with our loved ones.

Before we dive into the questions that I believe will change how you relate with your loved ones forever, do me a solid and head over to Phenomenal Life with Vicky Meg Podcast on Podbean and kindly download, listen, rate, review, leave a comment and share with a loved one who might need a little pick-me-up this Valentine’s Day.

A token box of chocolates and reservations at a nice restaurant are, well, nice. But do they really deepen your relationship? What really makes Valentine’s Day great is not the candy but the conversation.

Andrew Sobel

Picture this: You’re all dressed up and sitting across from your sweetheart at a fancy restaurant. The flowers have been given, the wine uncorked, the entrees ordered, the pleasantries exchanged. Now what? Unless you’re in the “can’t stop talking and gazing into each other’s eyes” throes of new love, right about now is when the awkward silence descends. It’s Valentine’s Day and expectations are high—so why can’t you think of anything meaningful to say?

It’s true. When you’ve just met ‘the one’ conversation seems to flow effortlessly. Add 10 years and couple of kids and the proverbial cat gets your tongue.

“Maybe laundry undone and bills unpaid have crowded out topics like childhood dreams and the meaning of life,” notes Andrew Sobel, author (along with coauthor Jerold Panas) of Power Questions: Build Relationships, Win New Business, and Influence Others (Wiley, February 2012, ISBN: 978-11181196-3-1, $22.95). “Or maybe you’ve just gotten lazy. But 9 times out of 10 the spark can be revived—and you don’t have to wow your partner with your insights or intellect. You just have to ask the right questions.”

Really showing someone you care has little to do with chocolates or flowers. Relationships, whether at work or at home, deepen and grow when you take sincere interest in the other person and invest time to learn about who they are and what they care about. Thoughtful questions are the way you do this, according to Sobel.

“Power questions are called that because they give power to your conversations and to the other person,” explains Sobel. They make you stop talking and start listening. They help you learn things about a loved one that—I guarantee you—you didn’t know. And best of all they make the other person feel loved, valued and worthwhile.”

If you have a romantic partner, Sobel recommends you try these questions on Valentine’s Day. If you don’t, he assures you that they also impact anyone else you love—a parent, a child or just a good friend.

Power questions are called that because they give power to your conversations and to the other person. They make you stop talking and start listening.

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Misconceptions About Starting A Business in 2023

It’s 2023 and look at you, friend; you’ve survived January with flying colours, ’cause, well, you’re here… reading this. Mazel tov!

If you’re like the greater part of the world’s population, you’ve probably been mapping out your year the whole of January, trying to make the Math, math. Guess what? You’re not alone. Besides health goals, entrepreneurship tops the list of many adults at the start of each year, especially this year.

Still pushing through with your physical health goals?

With quiet quitting becoming an epidemic, more and more people are starting their businesses from their office desks, while still working for “the man”. If you’re part of this group of people, you need to know that starting a business can be one of the most exciting and rewarding things you’ll ever do. The process, however, has its challenges, but it’s important not to let misconceptions about them stop you from trying.

The problem with skipping the planning stage is that it can lead to wasted time, money and a poorer product or service than what you could have created.

Before we continue though, please do us a solid and head over to Phenomenal Life with Vicky Meg Podcast to listen to the most recent episode of our podcast. Kindly download an episode first before you listen. Then please rate us, review the podcast in the comment section and then share far and wide with your network. We’d deeply appreciate your support.

Let’s go over seven common misconceptions, which from my research, can easily derail your aspirations of starting a business that can weather the storms.

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Self-improvement Is Becoming A Toxic Trend. Here’s why…

Most people have built successful businesses on the back of self-help and as a result, it has become a big deal, especially on social media. Self-help gurus from Oprah, Iyanla Vanzant, Lisa Nicols, Tony Robins to myself (yep, me too😎), preach ‘becoming the BEST version of ourselves’. The billion dollar question is: why are we so desperate to be ‘the best versions of ourselves’

Tune into our weekly podcast for a little pick-me-up. Remember to download, listen, rate, review and share our podcast.

Before we get into, please do us a solid and head onto Phenomenal Life with Vicky Meg Podcast on Podbean (or wherever you find your podcasts). Please download an episode first before you listen because the more the downloads, the higher the chances for us to be noticed by the right brands looking to collaborate. Once you download, listen till the end – there’s always an Easter egg.😎 After listening, please return to the site and drop us a comment with your review of the episode itself or the podcast as a whole. And lastly, please rate our podcast or the episode itself by hitting the ‘like’ button before you SHARE the link widely with your network. We’d love to reach ONE MILLION listeners from around the world within the next 12 months and we need your help to do so. Your support would mean so VERY much to us.

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Thanksgiving Is A Heart Thing

Have you watched ‘Maudie’ or know who Maud Lewis was? Well, if you’re a folk art aficionado, you may know her background of humble beginnings but not the in-between journey to greatness marked by lack and desperate times.

How easy it is to look at the meager offering we hold or the scarcity of our situation and miss the opportunity for the miracle.

My Gratitude Journal
Please download, listen, review, rate and share our podcast with your network.

Before we get into Maud’s life, do me and my kids a favour and head onto Phenomenal Life with Vicky Meg Podcast on Podbean (or wherever you find your podcast) and please download to listen to our podcast episodes, review and rate our podcast, and then do us a solid by sharing it far and wide with your network. Taking these steps help us grow; it is how brands find confidence in working with us. It’s all in the number of downloads. Your support means so much to us. It is our desire to reach ONE MILLION LISTENERS around the world within the next 12 months and we’d LOVE to do it with your help. It’d mean so VERY much to me and my kids. Thanks in advance.

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Brain Reasearcher’s Tricks To Improve Memory & Protect Immunity

Are you like me and tend to forget names easily and end up calling everyone ‘darling’, constantly misplace your things, or you unknowingly double-book yourself and end up feeling inefficient? Darling, you may be ready for some memory training. That’s right—you can actually improve your memory with intentional exercises and practices, and it doesn’t have to take up too much of your time.

Get yourself some homemade yummy goodness to share with your loved ones. Payment confirms your order.

Brain researcher Marc Milstein, Ph.D., author of The Age-Proof Brain: New Strategies To Improve Memory, Protect Immunity, and Fight Off Dementia, recently shared his very best tips on the mindbodygreen podcast—and here are his four must-have tricks to try out for a better memory, like yesterday.

But before we learn these tricks, dive into our universe by way of our podcast; Phenomenal Life with Vicky Meg. We’d deeply appreciate your support by downloading each episode before you listen (the number of downloads help us grow), listen (we enjoy inspiring you weekly and our desire is to reach 1 million people within the next 12 months, with your help), rate, review and share our podcast far and wide with your network. Your active and consistent support may help us know what content to produce more of especially if it aligns with what we feel led to share with you all.

That said, let’s get into how to trick your body into taking care of you . . .

Instead of meeting someone new and moving on to small talk, try to devote a few seconds to really ingrain that name into your mind.

1. Slow down your thoughts

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About Midnight | The Bigger Picture

There’s a phenomenal story in Acts 16 that is one of my absolute favourites: Paul and Silas are traveling and sharing the gospel of God, and God gives Paul a vision of a man asking for help in Macedonia. Naturally, they obey and head onto Macedonia. But guess what happens when they get there? They. Are. Jailed!

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Truthfully, the Bible is by far the most dramatic book I’ve ever read (I like ‘tea’, and darling, the Bible has enough of it, and then some!) I mean if you want to read about betrayal, it’s all there. About great love stories; it’s got it. About money, wisdom, shame, regret, fear, anxiety, heartbreak, war, battles, growth (at any capacity), mental health, nutrition . . . You name it . . . It’s all there!

Somehow, I bow, and my heart gets free

Too far, too hard becomes so easy…

I find peace here in surrendering.

Please download, listen, rate, review and share our podcast far and wide.🙏🏾

Now, before we get the ‘tea’ that’ll leave you refreshed and not depleted at your core, head onto to our podcast – Phenomenal Life with Vicky Meg – and kindly download the episodes you like (we grow by the numbers) rate us (it matters), review our podcast (it helps our host pair us with the right sponsors), listen to and please share it with your network (the more people the better; we want to inspire as many as 1 million in the next 12 months and we need your help to do it). Thank you in advance and God bless you.

Now, let’s serve that tea, shall we . . . 🍵

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4 Self-awareness Hacks That’ll Serve You Your Entire Life

There’s been so much talk in our culture about how to show up in life authentically but the truth is, we all have natural tendencies that can be used to foster authenticity and success and we have an inherent sense of what we find meaningful and impactful to us. Don’t we?

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Put simply, by focusing on what energizes us, what we do naturally well, and work that inspires us, I believe we can also move into developing our most authentic and best self with greater ease and enjoyment. Do you concur?

Good self-awareness is important for success in life, but few are truly well versed in self-knowledge.

Psychology Today

Before we head onto the four hacks for becoming your BEST self, head onto Phenomenal Life with Vicky Meg Podcast to listen to the recent and old episodes that my kids and I create and produce each week, trying to make sense of the world around us in a way that inspires, motivates, and educates moms like me and kids like mine. Come laugh, sigh, learn and cry with us. Kindly download, review, rate and share our podcast with your network. We’d deeply appreciate it.

Phenomenal Life with Vicky Meg Podcast

Now; I recently read an article in Psychology Today in which organizational psychologist Tasha Eurich asserted that 95 percent of people believe they possess self-awareness, but only 12-15 percent actually do. According to her research, this gap has profound implications for one’s confidence, relationships, and success in both work and life in general. In other words, our inflated confidence can drive us to self-sabotage in relationships, careers, and with family. Because of our inflated confidence and ego, we may become delusional in the way we perceive ourselves and others to the point of manipulating our way through life using false charm and call it self-awareness. We might even cause others pain without realizing the damage in our wake and somehow find a way to twist that into our own version of what it means to be self-aware.

As Eurich puts it; self-awareness requires both internal (knowing yourself) and external (how you’re perceived) understanding. She recommends that a constructive path towards self-improvement when facing challenges includes reviewing both what went wrong and alternative strategies, instead of ruminating over the why.

Here are four tips that I’m convinved can help anyone discover and cultivate the best versions of themselves in the most authentic way:

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