Open Love Letter . . .

If you’re not experiencing the sting of Covid-19 so far, you’ve either been living under a rock since March, or you’re a 1-percenter.

Whatever the case, we’ve all been stung. The degree of the sting may vary but if we’re being honest, this sting stinks!

You can’t focus on making everyone around you happy or you’ll start losing sight of why God has placed you on earth for such a time as this.

That said, for most people, degrees and certificates don’t mean squat in these trying times, what with retrenchments and pay cuts, to loss of revenue and reduced clientele. Thus, we’ve been forced to get out of our heads, step up and step out of our comfort zones in order to put food on the table.

If you’re like me, that stretch means doing just about anything, excluding selling your soul to the devil and ending up in jail – refer to the image below indicating my newest hustle adding up to a long list. Point is, don’t worry about what people will say about what you choose to do to earn an honest income in these trying times. They don’t pay your bills. Do you, as long as you’re not selling sacred parts of you.

So if you’re reading this love letter and fall in this category, I need you to know you’re not alone. God has blessed you with both breath in your lungs and strength to your muscles. You have free gift of life and the gift of today. Don’t squander it.

This week, all I have is an open love letter from me to you, sweet friend.

Before we get down to my love letter to you, I’ve got a question for you: have you listened to our podcast episodes lately? Why not do so now via Phenomenal Life with Vicky Meg? And how about the YouTube channel? You catch watch PEACE – A Wellness Journey via Phenomenal Life with Vicky Meg on YouTube. We’d love to hear your thoughts on the episodes you listen to or videos you watch @phenomenallife_with_vickymeg on Instagram.

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It’s Time To Unlearn!

Hello darling friends. Welcome to our 30-Day Wellness Series on YouTube, Anchor and here, themed PEACE. (Find links to the podcast and YouTube channel below)


Yes, I know, I know… I’m a couple days late but you’re gonna have to take it up with technology… haha :D! Like seriously, technology can be so disappointing when you need its effectiveness the most, am I right?

Welcome to the 30-Day Wellness Journey, PEACE. Due to technical issues, these videos have been recorded but we’re having trouble uploading. However, you can watch the intro here.

We need to learn to meet ourselves where we’re at – in lack or abundance, well or unwell, okay or not. It takes a lot of self-inventory to be that honest with oneself, to not try to fix what isn’t broken but fix that which is. For that, your internal ecosystem must be at peace first.

No matter, my crew and I (basically me and my 12 and 6 year-old smart daughters 😊 ) have been working tirelessly to bring you all this free online wellness program. You shall have it but you’ll need to be just a little patient with me and my crew to compile the 30 videos on playlist on my YouTube channel once we’re able to resolve the technical difficulties. That way, you lovely people will be able to have unlimited access to ALL the videos at your convenience. But till then, let’s reset and really understand the inspiration behind this journey, shall we?

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Here’s To Many More 🥂

Today victory was born.

Today resilience, courage, patience, was sown.

Today sacrificial love, abundance, and sufficient divine grace would see the light of day.

Through pain and tears, I have grown.

Through rejection and acceptance, have I loved.

Through dark days and bright ones, I have laughed, not because there was nothing to cry about but because I knew who had my back.

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Change is . . .

Most people like to have a routine. It makes them feel safe. Doing the same thing, when it’s successful, assures you that you have the right formula.

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However, if that formula is not working, is not in line with God’s will, or is no longer under the anointing, then believing in that formula is a false hope. Right?

Interestingly, some people are afraid of any kind of change—even having something different to eat for lunch, or moving the furniture around to give a room or space in their living area an aesthetic boost, or changing their hairstyle or hair color…

Fact is, the fear of change causes you to get stuck. But change is inevitable.

Things will change sooner or later, so why not make it in your own terms at your most inconvenience, so it goes in your favor?

Make sense?

They say people don’t change. They also say to change before you have to.

In my humble opinion, these sayings only suggest that change requires faith that the new circumstances will bring good or better results than before. Here is where good decision making and using divine wisdom are essential.

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Unexpected Sources for Your Breakthrough

Fact is; most of us have some need in our lives that we want met. And many of us try to figure how to get them fulfilled.

This cushion case is now available. Hurry while stocks last. Email for details.

You may be looking around saying, “Maybe God could do it that way” or “Maybe I could help God along with this” or “Maybe I could give a suggestion here.”
You’re trying to manipulate God, and it doesn’t work!

The source of a miracle will not be where you think it’s going to come from. It’s always unexpected.

This tote bag is now available. Hurry while stocks last! Email for details!

God told Abraham that he was going to have a son, and that son was going to be the father of a great nation. Abraham was nearly 100 years old and had a little trouble believing God’s promise. So he took matters into his own hands and had sex with a woman who wasn’t his wife, and they had a son named Ishmael.

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Own Your ‘No’; Guard Your ‘Yes’!

A couple months ago, a very good friend (thanks boo!) signed me up for a drop-in improv workshop.

After just one class, I was hooked. Soon, I was taking weekly classes, going to shows, and pretty much out of the house several nights a week.

Give yourself permission to say no to protect your time.

On top of that, I began hosting monthly corporate dinners with clients at different local restaurants, besides working out each morning doing exercise routines I never thought my body could ever handle, writing articles for this platform, checking the kids’ weekly home-schooling work and marking their work and teaching new topics, recording audios for Phenomenal Life with Vicky Meg on weekends, attending meetings and seminars doing pitching e-mails and creating content calendars with impossible deadlines, just to name a few. As if that and more wasn’t enough, I had been getting more tasks to do through my work with corporate clients.

Whenever they asked, “What’s your plan for the week?” I failed to hear what they really meant: How are we scheduling each other in, this week?

Life has been busy… a little too busy. Before the beginning of this month, I couldn’t remember the last time my family and I just sat down to watch TV or share a good ol’ laugh together without being rudely interrupted by a smartphone notification. Whenever they asked, “What’s your plan for the week?” I failed to hear what they really meant: How are we scheduling each other in, this week? My relationship with them has suffered hard knocks for a while.

Something had to give!

So three weeks ago, during my prayer and fasting, I took an honest inventory of how I have been spending my waking hours, and thus accepted that I had been doing too much and yet too little. You know what I mean?

Sure, I have enjoyed everything I’ve been doing—but I haven’t carved out enough time to help the most important parts of my life flourish.

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. . . Of Clear Water, Dirt and Hidden Seed

Ever had to wait for a call, an e-mail, an audition, an appointment confirmation, a meeting, a letter of admission. . .?

Before the wait, however, hope whispers an idea, a relationship, a loss, or a dream, a goal . . . in the form of a seed, and you dare to believe it will grow. You dare to believe that that relationship will last. You dare to believe that the hours of rehearsals will yield a call from your auditions. You dare to believe that the hours of preparation and research and a killer pitch will get you that big business deal.

You dare to believe that the amount of invested resources will yield leads. You dare to believe that application will result into an admission into your dream learning institution.

You have dared to believe you can. You’ve done the work.

Now what?

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Be The Leader Everyone Wants to Follow

In the world of so many skills and talents we might easily underestimate what God entrusted us with.

So often when we look at our lives, everything seems so mundane. We are so used to who we are and what our lives are like that we might miss God’s goal for our lives.

We might be surprised by the wonderful purpose we have been created for.

In Romans, Paul clearly states that who God is can be understood from His creation. The very word Paul uses for God’s creation in that verse is only used in one other place in the Bible.

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